Tragacanth pharmacognosy 1 | Tragacanth gum Synonyms, Source, uses

Tragacanth pharmacognosy 1 | Tragacanth gum Synonyms, Source, uses hello friends welcome to our website here we are going to discuss about Tragacanth is used as thickening and suspending agent. Topics we are going to discuss here are Synonyms, source, Geographical distribution, collection, description, Extra features, Solubility, standards, chemical constituents, identification and uses.



Tragacanth gum

It iis a pharmaceutical aids. Which are of little or no therapeutic value. Tragacanth gum is a emulsifying and suspending agents. Which are widely used in cosmetic preparations. And other pharmaceutical dosage forms preparation. To hold the product.

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Biological source of tragacanth

Synonyms are : Gum Tragacanth, Tragacantha

Biological source : Tragacanth is the dried gummy exudation obtained by making incisions on stems and branches of Astragalus gummifer Labill and some other species of Astragalus, belonging to family Leguminosae.

Geographical distribution :

It is iindigenous to Iran, Greece, Turkey, Iraq and Syria. In India, Garhwal, kumoan and central punjab are the areas where few species of tragacanth are found. North Syria and Iran supply Persian tragacanth. Smyrna tragacanth is exported from Smyrna port in Asiatic Turkey.


Most of the shrubs from which tragacanth is collected grow at an altitude of 1000 to the 3000 m. The shrubs are thorny. The mode of formation of Tragacanth is entirely different from that of Acacia, the gum exuding out immediately after the injury.

Most oof the drug comes from Persian source only. Tragacanth gum is formed as a result of transformation of the cells of pith and medullary rays into gummy substance. Incision are made on various parts of the stem of the trees and fluid which oozes out is collected after drying. Tragacanth is found in irregular is found in irregular flattened flakes with ribbon like appearance depending upon the incision given to the plant.

Description :

Colour : The flakes are white or pale yellowish white

Odour : Odourless

Taste : Tasteless

Size : Flakes are 25 *12*2 mm.

Shape : Tragacanth occurs in the form of Thin, flattened ribbon like flakes, more or less curved.

Extra features : The gum is horny, translucent with Transverse and longitudinal ridges. Fracture is short.

Solubility : It is sparingly soluble in water in which it swells to homogenous, adhesive, gelatinous mass. It is insoluble in alcohol.

Standard :

foreign organic matter : Not more than 1.0 %

Sulphated Ash : Not more than 4.0 %

moisture content : Not more than 1.50 %

Chemical constituents of tragacanth

Tragacanth contains two fraction of which one is soluble in water. The water soluble portion of the tragacanth is known as tragacanthin. Constituting about 8 to 10 %of the gum. Water insoluble portion is known as bassorrin 60 to 70%.Tragacanth contains about 15 % of moisture, traces of starch and tragacanthic acid. The bassorrin constituting the water insoluble part of the drug contains 5 % of methoxy group and swells in water. It is the constituent of the gum responsible for the high viscosity. Normally 1.0% solution of tragacanth has a viscosity of not less than 250 centipoise. The produ”ts of Hydrolysis of tragacanth are galactironic acid, D galactopyranose, L arabino-rhamnose and D xylopyranose.

Chemical test for tragacanth

  • when warmed with sodium hydroxide solution, canary yellow colour is developed.
  • With sstrong iodine solutions it gives green colour.

Tragacanth uses

It iis used as a Demulcent and an emollient in cosmetics and also in the confectionary. Tragacanth is used as a thickening, suspending and an emulsifying agent. It is used along with Acacia as suspending agent. Mucilage of Tragacanth is used as binding agent in the tablets and also excipient in the pills.

Tragacanth powder is used as an adhesive and in calico polishing.

Also read

Acacia Indian Gum|Acacia arabica Synonyms, Source, Tests, uses


So ffriends this was all about tragacanth as emulsifying and suspending agents used in cosmetic. I hope you get a clear understanding of the topic. If you like this article please tell us in comment section. Thank you. Visit next time.

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