b pharmacy 5th semester notes pdf-b pharmacy 5th semester syllabus

b pharmacy 5th semester notes pdf-b pharmacy 5th semester syllabus

Hello friends, welcome to our website. B pharmacy 5th semester is a 3rd PCI course. so I have mention important things for you to make your study plan easy and scoring good marks. This article includes 1) 5th semester syllabus 2) subjects 3) previous year question paper of all universities 4) syllabus pdf all this important information are given below read carefully and follow.

b pharmacy 5th semester notes pdf

b pharmacy 5th semester notes pdf

• Medicinal chemistry – II (BP-501T)

Medichem 2 in this there are five units. Focus on drug, classification, name, IUPAC name, structure, category, uses, SAR, Adverse effects, Brand name. Are the key points of medicinal chemistry. Notes download below.






• Industrial pharmacy – 1 BP-502T

IP 1 is the 1st part in 5th semester having five units. Do study on preformulation study, tablets, coating of tablets, capsules, parentral products, opthalmic products, cosmetics which will you see more detail in second part. Download below your notes.






• Pharmacology – 2 BP-503T

cology subject there are five units. Study each and every drug, define, classification, adverse effects, contraindications. Download






• Parmacognosy phytochemistry – II (BP – 504T)

There aare five units. Do remember drugs category, classification and chemical constituents and tests.






• jurisprudence BP-505T

jurisprudence remember objectives, year of act, schedule with description, offenses and penalties of acts.






b pharmacy 5th semester syllabus

CodeSubjectUnit Syllabus Hours
BP-501T• Medicinal chemistry – IIUNIT-1antihistaminic agents, H1 antagonists, H2 antagonists, gastric proton pump inhibitors, Antineoplastic agents, Alkylating agents, Antimetabolites, Antibiotics, plant products, miscellaneous drugs10 Hours
Vasodilators: Calcium cchannel blockers:
Antihypertensive drugs :
10 Hours
UNIT-3Anti aarrhythmic drugs Anti hyperlipidimic drugs
Coagulant and anticoagulants
Drugs used in CHF

10 HHours
UNIT-4Drugs acting on endocrine system,
Sex hormones,
Drugs for erectile drug function,
Oral contraceptives,
Thyroid and anti thyroid drugs
08 Hours
Unit – 5antidiabetic agents, Local anesthetics, Benzoic Acid derivatives,
Amino Benzoic acid derivatives,
Lidocaine or Anilide derivatives,
07 Hours
BP-502T• Industrial pharmacy – IUNIT-1preformulation studies: physical properties and chemical properties,
10 Hours
Unit – 2Tablets: Introduction, tablet coating, QC tests, Liquid orals.10 Hours
UNIT-3Capsules: Hard gelatin capsule and soft gelatin capsule,
08 Hours
UNIT-4Parenteral products :
Opthalmic preparations
10 Hours
UNIT-5Cosmetics : Pharmaceutical Aerosole: Packaging mmaterial science10 Hours
BP-506P• Industrial pharmacy practical – I1 to 11 experiment04 Hours/week
BP-503T• Pharmacology – IIUNIT-1Drugs acting on cardiovascular system : Introduction, drugs acting on CHF, Antihypertensive drugs, antianginal drugs, Anti arrhythmic drugs, Anti hyperlipidimic drugs10 Hours
Unit – 21. DDrugs acting on cardiovascular system : drugs used in therapy of shock, haematinic, coagulants and anticoagulants, fibrinolytics and antiplatelet drugs, plasma volume expanders,
2. Drugs acting on urinary system : diuretics, Anti diuretics.
10 Hours
Unit – 3Autocoids and related drugs: Introduction and classification, Histamines, prostaglandin, Thromboxanes and Leukotriene,
Angiotensin, Bradykinin and substance P., Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents, antigout drugs, Anti rheumatic drugs.
10 Hours
Unit – 4Drugs acting on endocrine system : Basic concept, anterior pituitary hormones, thyroid hormones, hormones regulating plasma calcium level, insulin, oral hypoglycemic agents and glucagon, ACTH and corticosteroids.08 Hours
Unit – 5Drugs acting on endocrine system : Andrigens and Anabolic steroids.
Estrogens, progesterone and oral contraceptives, drugs acting on uterus.
Bioassay : principles and applications of bioassay, types of bioassay, bioassay of insulin, oxytocin, vasopressin, ACTH, D-tubocuraine, digitalis, histamine and 5 HT.
07 Hours
BP-507P• Pharmacology – II Practical1 to 15 experiments4Hrs/week
BP – 504T• Parmacognosy phytochemistry – IIUnit – 1metabolic pathways in higher plants and their determination : a) brief study of basic metabolic pathway and formation.
b) Study of utilization of radioactive isotopes.
7 Hours


General information :
Phenylpropanoids and flavonoids
Steroids, cardiac glycosides etc
Volatile oils
Iridoids, other terpenoids and Napthaquinones.
14 Hours

B ppharm 5th semester syllabus is given below:

Unit-3Isolation, iidentification and analysis of
A) Terpenoids : Menthol, citral, Artemisin
B) Glycosides : Glycyrhetinic acid and Rutin
C) Alkaloids : Atropine, Quinine, Reserpine, caffeine
D) Resins : podophyllotoxins, curcumin
06 Hours
Unit-4Industrial production, estimation, utilisation of forskolin, sennoside, Artemisin, Diosgenin, Digoxin, Atropine, caffeine, Taxol, Vincristine and vinblastine.10 Hours
Unit – 5Basics of phytochemistry08 Hours
BP – 508P• Parmacognosy phytochemistry practical – II1 to 6 practicals4 Hrs/week
BP-505T• Pharmaceutical jurisprudenceUnit-1Drugs and Cosmetic act 1940 and its rules 194510 Hours
Unit-2Drugs and Cosmetic act, 1940 and its rules 1945:
Detail study of schedule,
Sale of drugs,
Labeling and packing of drugs,
Administration of the act and rules.
10 Hours
Unit-3Pharmacy act 1948: Definition, objective, PCI, its constitution, offences and penalties.
Medicinal and toilet preparation act 1955.
Narcotic drugs psychotropic substances act 1985 and rules
10 Hours
Unit-4Study of salient features of drugs and magic remedies act and its rules08 Hours
prevention of cruelty to animals act 1960
National pharmaceutical pricing authority
Unit-5Pharmaceutical Legislation s07 Hours
Code of pharmaceuticals ethics.
Medical termination of pregnancy act.
Rigt to information act.
Introduction to intellectual property rights (IPR)

b pharmacy 5th semester syllabus pdf

b pharmacy 5th semester syllabus ppdf available here please click on this download button below : Download

b pharmacy 5th semester subjects

There are total five therotical subjects and three are practical based in b pharmacy 5th semester. List of V the semester subjects is given below :

• Medicinal chemistry – II, medichem, BP-501T

• Industrial pharmacy – I, IP, BP-502T

• Pharmacology – II BP-503T

• Parmacognosy phytochemistry – II (BP – 504T)

• Pharmaceutical jurisprudence BP-505T

• Industrial pharmacy practical – I (BP-506P)

• Pharmacology – II Practical (BP-507P)

• Parmacognosy phytochemistry – II practical (BP – 508P)

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previous year question paper of b pharmacy 5th semester

Pyq ppapers helps you to know about how the questions asked in exams. So refer previous years question papers of university so that you will get idea according that you can plan your study strategy. Also you should refer other universities papers also. List of universities with download button refere that:

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RTMNU Download

dbatu previous year question paper for b pharmacy 5th semester

Here is the Pyq papers you are searching for download here.

medicinal chemistry 2 (V sem) important questions-Link


what are the subjects in B pharmacy 4th year?

Answer: Instrumental method of analysis, industrial pharmacy 2,pharmacy practice, Novel Drug Delivery system, Pharmacovigilance, CADD, Cell and molecular biology, cosmetic science, advanced instrumentation etc are the subjects.

How many semesters are there in b pharmacy?

Answer: As per PCI Syllabus there are four academic years having eight semesters. While three years for diploma holders which are directly admitted to second year.

Is B pharmacy easy to study?

Answer : of course yes as compared to other courses very few subjects you will see tough having regular study pattern you will definitely score good marks.

what are the subjects in B pharmacy 3rd semester?

Answer: pharmaceutical Organic chemistry 2, physical pharmaceutics 1, pharmaceutical microbiology ,and pharmaceutical engineering.

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