Belladonna Herb Pharmacognosy 2023 – Synonyms,Source,Uses

Belladonna Herb Pharmacognosy 2023 – Synonyms,Source,Uses Welcome to our website here we are going to discuss here our main topic belladonna herb of pharmacognosy-question-bank subject in this topic we going to discuss about -belladonna biological source, Cultivation and collection, Macroscopic characters, Extra features, Microscopic characters, belladonna chemical constituents A, dulterants and substitutes, uses



Belladonna plant

These type of drug act on nervous system. Specially on parasympathetic nervous system. Antagonist of acetylcholine. Which contains tropane alkaloids.

Synonyms : Belladonna leaf, Deadly night shade leaves.

Belladonna biological source

Belladonna herb consists of dried leaves or the leaves and other aerial parts of Atropa belladonna Linn. Or Atoropa acuminata Royle ex Lindley or mixture of both the species collected when plants at flowering stage. It belongs to the family of solanaceae.

It has 0.4 % of the alkaloids of belladonna herb which is hyoscyamine.

Geographical distribution

  • It is an indigenous and cultivated in England, European countries.
  • But in India as you can see western Himalayas from Shimla, to kashmir and himachal pradesh.
  • Its chief habitat is Jammu and forests of Sindh and Chenab valley.

Cultivation and collection

  • At an altitude of 1500m from sea level for cultivation is best for belladonna.
  • By using advanced technology yield can be increased.
  • The successful cultivation started in jammu and kashmir.
  • Berries of belladonna are Crushed so that seeds can be cultivated.
  • Washing, sieving are some processes that are performed to get healthy seedlings. Which are used for cultivation.
  • Broadcasting method used for the sowing seeds on a bed. Fungicides are used to avoid attacks of disease.
  • Sowing is done from May to July.
  • Now the seeds are ready to harvest in September.
  • Fertilizers used are urea, Potash, and superphosphate.
  • While insecticides are sevin.

Macroscopic characters

  • Colour : leaves are green to brownish green, flowers are purple to yellowish brown, while fruits are green to brown.
  • Odour : slight and characteristics
  • Taste : Bitter and acrid
  • Size : leaves are 5 to 25 cm long and 2.5 to 12cm wide. Flowers are corolla 2.5cm long and 1.5cm wide. Fruits are about 10 CM.
  • Shape : leaves are ovate lanceolate to broadly ovate with acuminate apex, decurrent lamina, entire margin, petiolate, brittle and transversely broken. Flowers are campanulate, 5 small reflexes lobes of corolla. Fruits are sub globular in shape with numerous flat seeds.

Extra features :

  • Drugs seen as crumpled and twisted.
  • The dropping flowers are many pairs of leaves.
  • Flowers are of five stamens, superior bilocular ovary and seeds.

Microscopic characters

  • Epidermal cells are present with slightly sinuous anticlinal wall
  • Uniseriate trichome are present.
  • Glandular trichomes which is uniseriate with unicellular heads.
  • The ratio of palisade cells are 5 to 7.

Belladonna chemical constituents

  • Belladonna herb contains 0.5 to 1 % of total alkaloids.
  • l- hyoscyamine and alkaloids.
  • Herb also contains beta methyl aesculetin which is scopoletin, belladonnine and alkaloids.
  • Drug has 15 % of Ash and not more than 3% of acid insoluble Ash.

For mmore such drug link

Belladonna uses

  • The drugs act as parasympathetic depressants.
  • It used to reduce secretion of sweat, salivary and gastric Glands.
  • It act as powerful spasmolytic in intestinal colic.
  • It is purgative in gripping.
  • It is an Antidote in poisoning due to the opium, Chloral hydrate and Muscatine.
  • It causes dryness of the mouth and skin.

Adulterants and substitutes

  • Belladonna herb easily get adulterated with leaves of phytolacca Americana, solanum nigrum and Ailanthus glandulosa.
  • Each of these species are distinguished by histological characters.
  • Phytolacca leaves contain idioblasts of acicular crystals of calcium oxalate.
  • Solanum nigrum has a palisade ratio varying from 2 to 4.
  • The leaves of Ailanthus have cluster crystals of calcium oxalate near the veins and unicellular thick walled trichomes.

Also yyou can read :

Fennel Fruit Pharmacognosy 1 – Source, Family, Uses link


So ffriends this was all about belladonna herb which acts on nervous system. If you have any issue regarding any drugs Please convey upto us we will find you a solution thank you.

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