Cinnamon Bark Cognosy 2023 -Synonyms, Source, Uses

Cinnamon Bark Cognosy 2023 -Synonyms, Source, Uses WWelcome to our website here we are going to discuss here our main topic of pharmacognosy a crude drug. That crude drug is cinnamon bark – synonyms of cinnamon bark, family of cinnamon bark, microscopy of cinnamon bark, chemical constituents of cinnamon bark, cinnamon bark uses

Cinnamon bark

cinnamon bark

Synonyms of cinnamon bark

Synonyms of cinnamon are : cinnamon bark, kalmi Dalchini, Ceylon cinnamon are the different names in different regions.

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Family of cinnamon bark

Biological source of cinnamon it consists of dried inner bark of shoots of coppiced (method of collection of bark) trees of Cinnamomum zeylanicum News, belongs to the family of Lauraceae. It should not contain less than 1.0% of volatile oil.

Geographical distribution

cinnamon is a evergreen tree of tropical area is considered to be native of Sri Lanka and Malabar coast of India. It is found in Jamaica and Brazil. Most of the world requirement are met by Sri Lanka and hence true cinnamon is known as Ceylon cinnamon.

Cultivation and collection and preparation for market

  • cinnamon propagates by planting the cutting and layers.
  • It ppropagates by seed it is the easiest method to adopt.
  • Cinnamon is a crop of tropical countries. It needs sandy or siliconous soil with admixture of humus.
  • The altitude at which it grows favourably is 800 to 1000 metres.
  • Sheltered situation with an annual rainfall of 200 to 250 cm is ideal for cultivation of cinnamon.
  • The sseeds are sown at a distance of 10 cm and covered with small layer of soil and watered properly.
  • It ttakes approximately 20 days to germinates the seed.
  • Seedlings aare provides with shades and grow for about 10 to 12 months.
  • transplantation is done in October or November or in rainy season by keeping the distance of 2 metres in between two plants.
  • Shades aare provided with the pendals of coconut leaves.
  • The ffield is weeded 2 to 4 times in a year. For healthy growth plant should be manured with 100 g each of ammonium sulphate and superphosphate in the first year.
  • It is increased depending upon the age of the plant.

Organoleptic Characters

Colour : The outer surface is dull yellowish brown, while the inner surface is dark yellowish brown.

Odour : Aromatic, sweet followed by warm sensation.

Taste : About 1 M length and 1cm in diameter. The thickness of the bark is approximately 0.5 mm.

Fracture : Splintery.

Extra features : the outer surface of the bark marked with the longitudinal striations with small holes of scars left by the branches. The inner surface of the longitudinal striations bark is free of Cork.

Microscopy of cinnamon bark

  • Transverse section of cinnamon shows the following characteristics.
  • Inner bark has the Cork and primary Cortex are absent.
  • patches of the primary Cortex are present.
  • Sclerenchymatous ppericycle is prominent. The stelar part shows phloem, phloem fibres, biseriate medullary rays and secretory cavities containing volatile oil and Mucilaginous.
  • Starch grains in cortical parenchyma and medullary rays and calcium oxalate crystals in parenchymatous cells are also present.

Chemical constituents of cinnamon bark

  • cinnamon Bark contains about 0.5 to 1.0% of volatile oil, 1.2% of tannins, mucilage, calcium oxalate, starch and sweet substance.
  • The volatile oil is the active constituents of the drug. It is light yellow in color and changes to red on storage.
  • cinnamon oil contains 60 to 70 % cinnamaldehyde 5 to 10% eugenol, benzaldehyde, cuminaldehyde and terpenes like phellandrene, pinene, cymene, caryophyllane etc

Chemical test

On aaddition of drop of ferric chloride solution to a drop of volatile oil, a pale green colour is produced. With ferric chloride, cinnamic aldehyde gives brown colour and eugenol gives blue colour is obtained as it contains only cinnamic aldehyde.

Cinnamon bark uses

  • Bark iis used as a carminative, stomachic and mild astringent.
  • It is aalso used flavouring agent, stimulant, an aromatic and antiseptic.
  • It iis used as spice and condiment and also in preparation of candy, Dentifrices and perfumes.

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So ffriends this was all about cinnamon bark as carminative we used in day to day life. If you have any problem comment below we try to solve your problem as soon as possible. Do like, comment and share. Thank you.

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