Digestive system notes HAP 1st year : Unit 2

Digestive system notes HAP 1st year : Unit 2 hello friends welcome here. Digestive system is a part of human body so this unit is we are going to discuss here in more detail the topics are – Digestive system, What is digestive system, Mouth function, Function of stomach, Small intestine function, Large intestine function, Function of liver, Pancreas function.

Digestive system

digestive system

What is digestive system

The major objective of eating food is to get motrients. The conversion of complex food into simple e absorable form is known as digestion the system thol performs the process of digestion is known as digestive system. Digestive System simply breakdown the food into nutrients.

  • Mouth
  • Pharynx
  • Salivary Glands
  • Pancreas
  • Oesophagus
  • Liver
  • Stomach
  • Large Intestine
  • Small Intestine
  • Rectum
  • Anus

Stages Of Digestion

Ingestion : Receiving of food

Propulsion : Movement of food

Digestion : Mechanical chemical breakdown

Absorbtion : Absorbtion of nutrients Removal/Excretion of food

Excretion : Removal or Excretion of food.

Human digestive system parts and functions

Parts of Digestive System

The digestive is mainly consist of Gastrointestinal Tract & Digestive Glands also known as Accessory Glands. The major organs of GIT includes:

(1) Mouth

(2) Pharynx

(3) Oesophagus

(4) Stomach

(s) Small Intestine

(6) Large Intestine

(3) Rectum

(8) Anus

Mouth function in digestive system


The mouth mainly consist of lips, cheeks, gum, teeth, salivary glands and Tongue.The space blw gums & cheeks is known as Vestibule.The roof baccal cavity is known as Palate. Palate are of two types: soft Palate andHard Palate.


Teeth mainly perform mechanical digestion, They breakdown the food into smaller pieces.There are total 32 teeth in mouth

Incisors: 8


Premolors: 8

Molars: 12


It is attached with Hyoid bone .It mixes saliva into food convert into bolus

Receptors: Sweet,Salty,To Sour,Bitter

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It lies between trachea infront vertebral column of back. No digestion takes place in Oesophagus as digestive enzymes are absent. Oesophagus opens into stomach


It is a shaped pouched like structure.

I lies in the left side of abdominal cavity.

Capacity 30 ml-1.5 Litre. 1 secretes digestive fluids called Gastric Juice.

I se receives food from oesophagus. It secretes gastric juice into bolus e convert into Chyme.

Wall of Stomach

The wall of stomach is made of 4 layers:





Parts of Stomach

It can be divided into 4 parts









It is the uppermost pout of stomach. I is attached with lower end of oesophagus.

It contains Cardiac spinchles It prevents backflow of food from stomach to

Oesophagus otherwise it can cause heartburn


It is also the upper part of stomach. Fundus contains special types of cells known as

Chief cells Parietal cells.

CHIEF CELLS: 1 produxes various enzymes includes-

Pepsin Renin

• PARIETAL CELLS: It mainly produces HCI


I is the largest part of stomach I digest protein stores food until it reaches

into small intestine

• It contains special types of cells known as G-CEUs.

G Cells Secretes Gastrin Harmone.

NOTE: In the complete epithelium of stomach there are so many goblet cells are present that secretes mucous < it protects stomach from HCI.

Role of Gastric HCL

The HCI (Hydrochloric acid) plays major role in digestion of food

in the stomach. 

It helps to convert bolus into chyme.

It converts pepsinogen into pepsin that helps in protein digestion.

It also shows antiseptic action by killing bacteria.

Function of stomach in digestive system

It stores the food for a long time after that transferred into small intestine slowly. and digestion absorbtion of food in small intestine.

Storage Time:

(i) Fat : 6-8 hours

(ii) Proteins 4-5 hours

(iii) Carbohydrates 1-2 hours

 Gastric juice mainly helps in the digestion of protein. It secretes mucous that protects the stomach from HCI. It kills bacteria other dust particles from food.

Small intestine function in digestive system


It is a long narrow tube whose upper part is attached to stomach while lower part is attached with large intestine.It is about 6-7 meter long. It is the site of major absorbtion digestion divided into three parts: Duodenum, Jejunum,Ieum.


Duodenum accepts only Alkaline food. It is approx 10-11 inches long. It receives bike juice, pancreatic juice & food from liver, pancreas. Secretions of Duodenum:

(i) Enterogastrone

(ii) Secretin

(iii) funcrecenzyme

(iv) Cholecystokhin


• It is about 4-8 feet long.It is the major site for absorbtion of sugars, amino acids.It secretes intestinal juice.Final breakdown of food completed here.


It is last part of small intestine connected with the cecum ( port of large intestine).It is about 10 11 feet long. It is the major site of absorbtion of nutrients, bike, vitamies etc.

Enzymes Responsible for Digestion

Enterokinase : Converts trypsinogen into trypsin

Sucrose, Maltase & lactase : Converts disaccharides into monosacharides.

Large intestine function in digestive system


  • It starts from ileum & ends on rectum.
  • It is approx 1.5 m long.
  • parts: Cecum, Ascending colon, Descending Colon, Transverse Colon, Sigmoid Colon


It stores the remaining waste of Food.The undigested or unabsorbed substances that is stored in the Gnts are called Forces.


The undigested and unabsorbed food that is simply known as Faeces excreted out from body through anuse it is a Voluntary process. Two types of spinchler muscles found in anus.Internal: Involuntary and External Voluntary


Digestive glands are the accessory glands of digestive system that helps in the process of digestion.They mainly includes: Salivary Glands,Liver, Gall Bladder, Pancreas


Salivary glands are the exocrine glands present in the mouth thot secretes saliva in GITSaliva mixes with food & convert it into Bolus.Human salivary glands produces 0.5 L to 1.5 L saliva daily. Saliva contains digestive enzymes mainly Salivary AmylaseIt also have antibacterial effect of fighting of bacteria.Saliva contains 99.5 7. water e 0·6%. proteints & mineral salts.

Types of salivary glands

There are mainly 3 types of salivary glands present in humors:

  • Parotic Glands
  • Submandibular Glands
  • Sublingual Glands.


Liver is the largest gland or largest organ of our body. Its weight is about 1.5 kg.It has highest regeneration power .

Function of liver in digestive system

Liver performs maximum number of functions in our body.It is reddish brown colour in human Surfaces of Liver.Liver have four surfaces: Superior Surface, Inferior Surface, Anterior Surface, Posterior Surface.

Lobes of Liver

Liver contains two lobes:

Right Lobe

Left Lobe

Right lobe forms 5/6 part while left lobe forms 1/6th part.Right Left lobes are separated by Faldiform Ligaments. Right duct anses from night lobe left duct arises from left lobe of liver. Both right left ducts combines & form a common hepatic duct

Internal Structure of Liver

The liver is made up of small hexagonal units present in large number in liver. Each lobule has a central vein or intratobular vein surrounded by several portal Triads.The portal triad is consist of : Portal Vein , Bile duct, Hepatic Artery

Functions of Liver

  • Secretion of bile juice
  • Portal Triad Central Vein
  • Synthesis & storage of Glycogen
  • Synthesis of Urea
  • Metabolism of carbohydrates, fats e Proteins. Vitamins & Minerals Storage.
  • Synthesis of Heparin
  • Blood sugar regulation
  • Detoxification & Purification of blood.


Gall bladder lies below the right Lobe, Gall bladder contains cystic duct

Function of gallbladder in digestive system

Microvilli on gall bladder absorbs moisture from bile makes it concentratedBile Duct,Blood Sinus.


 It secretes both enzymes & harmones It can be divided into three parts: Head,Body,Tail.

Pancreas function in digestive system

Enzymes Secretion by Pancreas

Pancreatic Juice mainly contains:

Lipase : Converts Fate into Fatty acids & glycerols.

Amylase Converts Starch into Maltase

Trypsin Converts Peptones into Amino acids.

Harmones Secretion by Pancreas: Islets of Langatons contains mainly 3 types of celle that Secretes following hormones.

• Alpha Cells : Glucagon

Beta Cells: Insulin

• Delta Cells: Somatostatin


Hcl is produced by the parietal cells of stomach.Carbon di oxide is derived from metabolic activities of parietal cells. The carbon dioxide is present in parietal cells combines with H20 form carbonic acid (Hacos) in the presence of carbonicanhydrase.

• The enzyme carbonic anhydrase present in high concentration in parietal cells.

• Carbonic acid is most unstable compound hence it immediately.Splits into hydrogen ion (H) bicarbonate ion (HCOs) The hydrogen ion is actively pumped into canaliculus of parietal cells through kit Alpase pump & the energy this process is derived from glucose for Now simultaneously along with this process (4- ions also pumped into canaliculus of parietal cells.

• Chloride (ce) is derived from Nacl in blood. Now in the final step Ht combines with (1-e form HCI


Pepsin is the enzyme secreted by chief cells of stomach

• It is the only proteolytic enzyme present in Gastric Juice (proteolytic enzymes are those that helps in breakdown or digestion of protein.

• The chief cells produce pepsin in the inactivated form known. as Pepsinogen.

Now this pepsinogen activates in the form of Pepsin with the help of HCI secreted by parietal cells.

• After activating in the form of pepsin it breakdowns the proteins into small. 

• Although pepsin plays major role in protein digestion but Most of the protein are digested by in the duodenum dejunum of small intestine by pancreatic juice.

Also read:

Brain and spinal cord HAP notes : Unit 1 Link

Conclusion :

So friends I hope you like this article. If you find some topics I didn’t cover and they are important tell us in comment below. Thank you. Do visit next time.

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