Lanolin Hydrous Wool Fat| Lanolin Synonyms, Source, Use

Lanolin Hydrous Wool Fat| Lanolin Synonyms, Source, Use hello friends welcome to our website here we are going to discuss about Hydrous Wool Fat which is also known as lanolin. The topics we are going to discuss about lanolin are Synonyms, biological source, Geographical source, method of preparation, description, Extra features, Solubility, standards, chemical constituents, chemical tests, uses.



Lanolin biological source

Hydrous Wool Fat is the purified fat like substance obtained from the wool of the sheeps Ovis aries Linn. Family Bovidae. It contains not less than 20 % and not more than 30 % of water.

Synonyms are lanolin, Adeps Lanae

Geographical source : commercially, lanolin is manufactured in Australia, USA and to some extent in India. It is processed in France, Italy, west Africa, Jamaica and India too.

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What is lanolin?

method of preparation

below given is the method of preparation how the lanolin is made :

Raw wool used for the preparation which contains about 31% wool fibres, suint or wool sweat chemically potassium salts of fatty acids, about 32% earhty matter and about 25% wool grease or crude lanolin. Crude lanolin is separated by washing with sulphuric acid or suitable organic solvent or soap solutions. It is further purified and bleached. The product is known as anhydrous lanolin or wool fat. The Hydrous Wool Fat is produced by intimately mixing wool fat with 30.0% of water. Now the Hydrous Wool Fat is ready.

Description :

Color : whitish yellow

Odour : Faint and characteristics

Taste : bland

Purified lanolin ointment

Extra features :

It is found in the form of ointment like mass and on heating in water bath it separates into two layers.

Solubility : It is practically insoluble in water and soluble in chloroform and solvent either with separation of water.

Standards :

anhydrous lanolin (wool fat) has following standards:

Melting ppoint : 34 to 40°

Acid vvalue : Not more than 1.0

Iodine value : 18 to 32

Saponification vvalue : 92 to 105

Ash value : Not more than 0.15%

The sstructure of cholesterol is four ring like structure in which methyl groups are present. Containing one OH group.

Chemical constituents :

Hydrous Wool Fat contains esters of cholesterol and isocholestrol with carnaubic, oleic, myristic, palmitic, lanoceric and lanopalmitic acids. It also contains 50 % of water.

Chemical tests:

Dissolve 0.5 g of Hydrous Wool Fat in chloroform and to it add 1ml of acetic anhydride and two drops of sulphuric acid, A deep green colour is produced indicating the presence of cholesterol.

Lanolin uses

Uses : The lanolin is mainly used as water absorbable ointment base. It is very common ingredients and base for several water soluble creams and cosmetic preparation. It may also be Allergic.

lanolin is used for manufacturing various dosage forms like in the forms of creams, tablets, ointment, lip care lip bam. Lanolin cream for face. Lanolin which is fatty like substance which is is oil like greasy in nature which prevents the skin from drying. So these is mainly used for cosmetic preparations.

Yellow beeswax

Synonyms are beeswax, Cera flava

Biological source : yellow beeswax is purified wax and obtained from honey comb of the bees Apis dorsata, Apis mellifica and other species of APIs belonging to family Apidae.

Geographical distribution : It is processed and commercially prepared in France.

processing and preparation for market :

The ccombs and capping of honey comb are broken and boiled in soft water. These are then enclosed in a porous bag weighted to keep it under water. The boiling causes oozing of the wax which collects outside of the bag and forms a cake after cooling. The debris on the outer surface is removed by scrapping. Bees wax is purified by heating in boiling water or dilute sulphuric acid and settling.

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So ffriends this was all about lanolin and yellow bees wax. I hope you get a clear understanding of the topic. And the topics are sufficient to help you. Thank you.

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