medical coding interview questions – medical coding interview questions for freshers

medical coding interview questions – medical coding interview questions for freshers. Welcome to our website here you will get medical coding interview questions for freshers, job seekers, and to upgrade knowledge in medical coding.

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medical coding interview questions

medical coding interview questions for freshers


1. Total number of bones in human body-206

2. Longest bone-femur

3. Smallest bone-stapes

4. Largest bone of foot-calcaneum

5. Floating bone of neck-hyoid bone

6. Bone known as shin bone-tibia

7. Beauty bone-clavicle

8. Thickest cranial nerve-trigeminal

9. Longest cranial nerve-vagus

10. Largest muscle-gluteus maximus

11. Longest muscle-sartorius

12. Smallest muscle arrector pili

13. Boat shaped bone of foot-navicular

14. Largest vein-inferior vena cava

15. Largest artery-aorta

16. Outer covering of bone-periosteum

17. Heaviest organ –liver

18. Largest organ-skin

19. Largest cavity-abdominal

20. Medial bone of leg-tibia

21. Lateral bone of leg –fibula

22. Total no of ribs-12 pairs

23. Sesamoid bone in our body-patella

24. Only movable bone of cranium-mandible

25. Only movable joint of cranium-temporo mandibular joint

26. Floating ribs-11 and 12

27. Anti-locking muscle-popliteus

28. Bone making elbow-ulna

29. Bone making wrist-radius

30. Musician nerve-ulnar

31. Labourer’s nerve-median

32. Strongest muscle-masseter

33. Smallest cranial nerve-olfactory

34. Thinnest cranial nerve-trochlear

35. Muscle known as peripheral heart-soleus

36. Organ known as wind pipe-trachea

37. Organ known as voice box-larynx

38. Largest salivary gland-parotid

39. Largest lymphatic organ –spleen

40. Largest gland-liver

41. The chamber that forms apex of heart -ventricles

42. Length of small intestine-6meters

43. Pacemaker of heart-SA nodes

44. First cervical vertebra-atlas

45. Name and shape of ear ossicle-malleus hammer, incus anvil, stapes horse shoe

46. Special muscle present in urinary bladder-detrusor

47. Functional unit of kidney-nephrons

48. Functional unit of respiratory system-alveoli

49. Functional unit of nervous system-neurons

50. Dimension of uterus-7.5*5*2.5

51. Structure that connects two lobes of thyroid gland-isthmus

52. Hardest material in the body-tooth enamel

53. The white of eye-sclera

54. Part of inner ear that resembles snail shell-cochlea

55. Covering of brain-meninges 56. Largest part of brain-cerebrum

57. No of cranial nerves-12 pairs

58. No of spinal nerves-31 pairs

59. Normal blood volume-5-6L

60. Normal BP-120/80

61. Normal respiration-16 to 20

62. Normal heart rate 60-100

63. Red pigment that give colour to blood-hemoglobin

64. Life span of adult RBC-120 days

65. Life span of fetal RBC-80 days

66. Basic unit of nervous system-neurons

67. Approximate weight of brain-1200-1400g

68. Length of spinal chord-45cm

69. Scale used to measure the state of coma-GCS scale

70. Spinal chord ends in –L1

71. movement of eyes-nystagmus

72. Pill rolling movement is seen in-alzheimers

73. X ray examination of spinal canal-myelography

74. Name of the site where trachea bifurcate- T5 carina

75. Occupational exposure to cotton dust-byssynossis

76. Monday fever is also called-byssinosis

77. Occupational exposure to sugarcane dust-bagassosis

78. Iodine deficiency endocrine disease-goitre

79. Difficulty in urination-dysuria

80. Difficulty in swallowing-dysphagia

81. Pernicious anemia is due to-decreased vitamin B12

82. Antilocking muscle-popliteal

83. Length of small intestine-6m

84. Recurrent seizure is called-epilepsy

85. Hemiplegia means-paralysis of half side of body

86. Hemiparesis means-weakness of half side of body

87. Duration of cardiac cycle-0.8 sec

88. Weight of heart-300g

89. Abnormal heart rhythm is called- arrhythmia

90. Peritonsillar abscess is called-quinsy

91. Complete absence of smell sensitivity-anosmia

92. Which is the reactive airway disease-asthma

93. Bluish discolouration of body-cyanosis

94. Ablepsia-blindness

95. Acapnea-absence of co2 in blood

96. Achlorhydria-absence of HCL in the stomach

97. Cadaver-dead body

98. Byssinosis-cotton dust in lung

99. Bagassosis-sugarcane dust in the lung

100. Bruxism-grinding of teeth during night

101. Enuresis-bed wetting

102. Bright’s disease- acute glomerulonephritis

103. Azotaemia-high blood urea

104. Acropachy-clubbing of fingers and toes

105. Adenalgia-pain in gland

106. Amastia-congenital absence of breast

107. Gynecomastia-growyh of breast in males

108. Anhidrosis-failure to sweat

109. Hyperhidrosis-profuse sweating

110. Anisocoria-unequal pupil

medical coding interview questions and answers

111. Anotia-absence of ear

112. Aphrasia-inability to speak

113. Aphonia-loss of voice

114. Caligo-dimness of vision

115. Hematuria-blood in urine

116. Oliguria-scanty urine

117. Polyuria-excess urination

118. Nocturia-excessive urination at night

119. Epistaxis-bleeding nose

120. Epiphora-abnormal overflow of tears

121. Dysstasia-difficulty in standing

122. Cardiorrhexis-rupture of heart

123. Chorea-irregular purposeless movement

124. Christmas disease-hemophilia B

125. Dysuria-difficulty in urination

126. Thrombophlebitis-inflammation of vein

127. Talipes-club foot

128. Somnambulism-walking in sleep

129. Somniloquism-talking in sleep

130. Sanative-curative

131. Rhinalgia-pain in nose

132. Quincker’s puncture-lumbar puncture

133. Myalgia-pain in muscle

134. Myotonia-loss of muscle tone

135. Nanism-dwarfism

136. Myxedema-hypothyrodism in adult

137. Narcissism-sexual attraction towards self

138. Nyctalgia-pain occurring at night

139. Nyctalopia-night blindness

140. Nystagmus-involuntary movement of eyeball

141. Ochlophobia-fear of crowds

142. Oculomycosis-fungal infection of eye

143. Onychomycosis-fungal infection of nails

144. Odynia-pain

145. Omalgia-pain in shoulder

146. Omphaloma-tumour at umbilicus

147. Opisthotonous-spasm where body bend like a bow

148. Paramenia-difficult menstruation

149. Phakitis-inflammation of eye lens

150. Aphakia-absence of eye lens

151. Pott’s fracture-fracture of fibula

152. Colle’s fracture-fracture of radius

153. Mutism-inability to speak

154. Melalgia-pain in limbs

155. Eupnea-normal breathing

156. Apnea-no breathing

157. Dyspnea-difficult breathing

158. Euthanasia-mercy killing

159. Evisceration –extrusiopn of internal organs

160. Exophthalmos-protrusion of eyeball

161. Glabella-area between eyebrows

162. Gut-intestine

163. Halitosis-bad breath

164. Macrotia-large ears

165. Keratoplasty-repair of cornea

166. Hordeolum-eye stye

167. Ulalgia-pain in gums

168. Uranism-homosexuality

169. Vesica-bladder

170. Angina-chest pain

171. Vincent’s angina-necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis

172. Zoopsia-hallucination of seeing animals

173. False perception-hallucination

174. Imaginary perception-illusion

175. False unshakable belief-delusion

176. Fear of hights-acrophobia

177. Fear of open spaces-agrophobia

178. Fear of closed spaces-claustrophobia

179. Fear of pain-algophobia

180. Fear of strangers –xenophobia

181. Fear of disease-nosophobia

182. Fear of darkness-nyctophobia

183. Atelophobis-fear of imperfection

184. Act of killing onself-suicide

185. Amnesia-memory loss

186. Dejavu-false feeling of familiarity with unfamiliar sitiations

187. Obscession -repeated recurrence of forced ideas

188. Compulsion-repeated recurrence of forced acts

189. Absence of feeling-apathy

190. Pedophilia-sexual attraction towards children

191. Necrophilia-sexual attraction to dead bodies

192. Milieu therapy is also called-therapeutic community

193. Craving for unnatural food-pica

194. Othello syndrome-delusion of infidelity

195. Sadism-Happiness by giving pain to others

196. Masochism-happiness by giving pain to self

197. Insomnia-lack of sleep

198. Koilonychias-spoon shaped nail

199. Entropion-bending of eyelid inward

200. Extropion-bending of eyelid outward

201. Head of the femur articulates with-acetabulum

202. Iodine deficiency disease-goitre

203. Continuous asthma- status asthamatic us

204. Genes are made of -DNA

205. Surgical removal of stomach-gastrectomy

206. Bitot’s spot is caused-vitamin A

207. Stiffening of body after death-rigor mortis

208. Name vitamin B1-thiamine,B2-riboflavin,B3-niacin,B5-pantothenic acid,B6-pyridoxine,B7-biotin,B9-folic acid,B12-cyanocobalamine

209. Largest organ-skin

210. Smallest organ-pineal gland

211. Largest cell-ovum

212. Smallest cell-sperm

213. Largest and thickest nerve-sciatic nerve

214. Hardest working muscle-heart

215. Strongest muscle-masseter

216. Largest gland-liver

217. Largest cell-ovum

218. Smallest cell-sperm

219. Non regenerating cell-nerve cell

220. Longest cell-nerve cell

221. Icreased intraocular pressure-glaucoma

222. Where does trachea bifurcate-carina T5

223. Total number of ribs-12 pairs or 24 number

224. Collection of pus in pleural space-empyema

225. Largest bone of foot-calcaneum

226. Floating bone of neck-hyoud bone

227. Shin bone-ibia

228. Beuty bone-clavicle

229. Boat shaped bone-navicular bone

230. Musicians nerve- ulnar nerve

231. Labourers nerve-median nerve

232. Classical manifestation of SLE-butterfly rashes

233. Koch disease is also called-tuberculosis

234. Abundant mineral element in the body-calcium

235. Pill rolling movement is seen in-parkinsons disease

236. Excessive salivation-ptyalism

237. Club foot-talipes

238. Sleep walking-somnambulism

239. Inability to get sleep-insomnia

240. Increased sweating-diaphoresis

241. Dimness of vision-caligo

242. Bad breath-halitosis

243. Knock knee-genuvalgum

244. Bowleg-genuvarum

245. Misinterpretation of stimulus-illusion

246. Abnormal fear of crowds-ochlophobia

247. Fungal disease of eye-occulomycosis

248. Grinding of teeth during night-bruxism

249. Nephroblastoma-wilm’s tumour

250. Weakness of one side of body-hemiparesis

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medical coding interview questions-medical coding interview questions for freshers

Frequently Asked Questions

what questions are asked in medical coding interview?

Answer: HR will ask you their company related questions, some basic questions about you and HAP(Human Anatomy And Physiology) related questions are asked.

How do I prepare for a medical coder interview?

Answer: fresher should have knowledge about human anatomy and physiology, pharmacology basics with drugs, medical terminology and its suffix, prefix. Basic should be clear for ICD, CPT, HCPCS, RCM etc.

what is the full form of HCPCS?

Answer: Full form is Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System.

What is ICD in simple terms?

Answer: International Classification of Diseases. ICD used for Diseases which are classified.

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