medical coding interview questions-medical coding interview questions hap for freshers

medical coding interview questions-medical coding interview questions hap for freshers. Welcome here, in this article questions related to technical round are listed below, such as Human anatomy and physiology, ICD 10, CPT and HCPCS.

medical coding interview questions

medical coding interview questions

medical coding interview questions hap for freshers

medical coding interview questions hap for freshers

Human Anatomy And Physiology questions :

  • Incision into eardrum is called
  • Removal of gall bladder is called
  • Cyst with clear fluid
  • What is wilm’s tumor
  • Crushing of kidney stone is called
  • Surgical removal of fallopian tube with ovary
  • Muscles seen attached to hair follicles
  • Name the cranial nerves
  • Plasma proteins present in blood
  • CO2 +Hb
  • Most abundant leukocyte
  • What is PMNL
  • Chemical produced by basophils
  • Haemophilia B is due to
  • Irregular shapes of RBC is called
  • Name the heart valves
  • Exception in functions of artery and vein
  • What is tetralogy of fallot
  • What is CABG
  • What is trigone
  • Ear ossicles and their shapes
  • Difference between macule,papule,nodule
  • Regions of stomach
  • 5 layers of thick skin in epidermis
  • Explain degrees of burns
  • Types of planes of the body
  • Name the body cavities
  • Layers of dermis
  • Number of appendicular bones
  • Name the lateral bone of leg
  • Strongest muscle
  • 3 structures that differentiate adult from fetal circulation
  • Sites of pulses
  • Normal respiratory rate, pulse rate, BP
  • Difference between cardiac arrest and heart failure
  • 4 types of papillae in tongue
  • 2 glands of eyes
  • Intraocular muscles of eye
  • Where is bowmans gland,bowmans layer,bowmans capsule
  • Ringing in the ear is called
  • Which glial cells produce CSF
  • Respiratory and cardiac centre
  • Number of spinal and cranial nerves
  • Hormones produced by kidney and heart
  • What is spina bifida
  • What is BPH and TURP
  • Parts of male urethra
  • Parts of falolopian tube
  • Undescended testis and surgery
  • Number of lobes of lungs

icd 10 questions and answers

icd 10 questions and answers

ICD 10:-

  • 1. Meaning of follow up, aftercare, screening
  • 2. Difference between Z21 and B20
  • 3. 5 factors we find in external cause chapter
  • 4. Expand GCS and NIHSS
  • 5. Parts of GCS
  • 6. Guideline for O codes, P codes Z37 and Z38
  • 7. Guideline for SIRS and sepsis coded together
  • 8. Difference between NOS and NEC
  • 9. Difference between exclude 1 and 2
  • 10. Guideline for signs and symptoms and diagnosis codes
  • 11. Importance of ‘and’ &with
  • 12. Difference between ICD 10 and ICD 9
  • 13. Name the three sections we deal in medical coding and the organization regulating it
  • 14. Expand CPC,AAPC
  • 15. What is HIPAA 1996
  • 16. What is common guideline for zika, influenza and HIV
  • 17. How is severe sepsis and organ failure coded
  • 18. What is MRSA and MSSA
  • 19. What is inconclusive lab report
  • 20. Guideline for HIV and unrelated condition
  • 21. Anemia guidelines in neoplasm
  • 22. What is ectopic tissue neoplasm
  • 23. Guideline for adverse effect and poisoning coding
  • 24. Types of DM in ICD 10 coding
  • 25. What is brachytherapy guideline
  • 26. Latest guidelines of this year
  • 27. Difference between blindness and low vision
  • 28. VAP guidelines
  • 29. Which is default DM and default fracture
  • 30. Few guidelines regarding O codes
  • 31. How to code uncontrolled DM
  • 32. what is I10,I11,I12,and I13
  • 33. what is insulin pump failure
  • 34. what are the treatements of DM,guidelines for insulin
  • 35. guideline for acute and chronic condition
  • 36. how will you code impending condition
  • 37. difference between reccur,relapse and remission
  • 38. what are transient conditions
  • 39. guidelines for STEMI and NSTEMI
  • 40. where can you find infectious agents names
  • 41. expand ICD,CPT and HCPCS
  • 42. comment on weeks of gestation
  • 43. what are sequel guidelines
  • 44. explain CKD stages and ESRD
  • 45. multiple external cause sequence priority
  • 46. what is AHIMA
  • 47. guidelines for pregestational DM and GDM
  • 48. difference between P05 and P07
  • 49. when is MI said to be subsequence
  • 50. what is Gustilo open fracture classification

For more such questions, job vancies or medical coding related information provide here link.

cpt and hcpcs questions and answers

cpt and hcpcs questions and answers


  • 1. How many catagpories of codes are present in CPT
  • 2. What is the HCPCS modifiers representing the CPT modifier 59. Explain them
  • 3. What are the key factors determining E/M levels
  • 4. Give the HCPCS code for CPT modifier 50
  • 5. What are factors determining the type of MDM
  • 6. Mention the levels of ROS
  • 7. What are the guidelines for coding hydration
  • 8. What is the other name for CPT
  • 9. What are the types of HCPCS codes
  • 10. Mention the guidelines for non face to face services
  • 11. Types of history in E/M
  • 12. How is the anesthesia time calculated
  • 13. Modifier 22 not used with E/M codes .why?
  • 14. How will you estimate the margins for tumor excision
  • 15. What are the CPT modifiers associated with anesthesia
  • 16. Formula for anaesthesia billing
  • 17. What is MAC
  • 18. Mention guidelines for medical team conference
  • 19. How will you code excision and ATT prodcedures in same session
  • 20. How will you code multiple wound repair
  • 21. Explain CPT modifiers 78 and 79
  • 22. What are the guidelines for paediatric critical care
  • 23. Name the different types of grafts used in surgery
  • 24. Guidelines for injections to trigger points
  • 25. What is the differences between grafts and flaps
  • 26. What are the cast application guidelines
  • 27. What are the guidelines for arterial revascularization procedures
  • 28. What is Vats?
  • 29. Explain moh’s surgery and its CPT guidelines
  • 30. What is PICC and CICC?
  • 31. What are the factors determining the central catheter placements?
  • 32. Mention few guidelines for pacemaker implantation
  • 33. What are panels and mention CPT guidelines for coding
  • 34. What is arthrodesis and mention the guidelines
  • 35. Explain appendix L
  • 36. Mention the stages of radiation oncology?
  • 37. Explain CPT modifier 26
  • 38. What are the anesthesia physical status modifiers?
  • 39. Where is endocrine system included in CPT Text book?
  • 40. Difference between ROS and physical examination
  • 41. What are the criterias for the distribution of E/M codes in the CPT textbook
  • 42. Difference between the CPT modifiers 52 and 53
  • 43. What is maze surgery
  • 44. What is ECMO.mention its types
  • 45. What are the types of heart catheterizations
  • 46. The three major procedures in any organ transplantation
  • 47. 2019 changes in integumentary system
  • 48. What is the meaning pof radiological guidance. Mention any two
  • 49. What are the guidelines for skull base surgeries
  • 50. Guideline for coding burr hole and craniectomy in same session

medical codes

Medical coding related Interveiw questions LINK

frequently asked questions

what is the full form of ICD-10-CM?

Answer: Full form is International Classification of Diseases, tenth version of clinical modification.

Who ccreates ICD-10 codes?

Answer: world health organisation develops ICD-10 codes.

What are the 3 main coding systems?

Answer: ICD( International Classification of Diseases) , CPT(Current procedural Terminology) , HCPCS.

How many types of ICD are there?

Answer: There are two types of ICD.

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