pharmacovigilance interview questions -tcs pharmacovigilance interview questions

pharmacovigilance interview questions -tcs pharmacovigilance interview qquestions Hello friends, welcome to our website, in this article you will get important questions that will help you to qualify your Interveiw rounds. This article includes pharmacovigilance interview questions, tcs cognizant Accenture many more Interveiw questions, as well as pdf is also available here.

pharmacovigilance interview questions

pharmacovigilance interview questions

tcs pharmacovigilance interview questions

So friends, while going to Tata consultancy services Interveiw the chances of questions interviewer may ask this questions do prepare well.

  • What is Hypertension?
  • What is Diurectics?
  • What is Diabetic?
  • What is Antibiotics?
  • What is Antihypertensive drugs with examples.
  • Define diuretics and its classification?
  • What is diabetes, its types, and its classification.
  • What is Antibiotics, types, its classification.
  • Give the side effects of following drugs : sulphonamide, captopril, metformin, NSAIDS.
  • What is Dechallenge and Rechallenge.
  • What is the difference between a cosuspect and Concomitant medication.
  • What are the various outcomes of Adverse Events?
  • What is signal?
  • What are SUSARS and SAE?
  • What activities does a drug safety associate perform?
  • Why are you choosing Pharmacovigilance over a clinical or hospital pharmacist job?
  • What are the different phases of clinical trials?

So aall the above questions are important and as you see some of the questions related to pharmacology.

pharmacovigilance interview questions for freshers

  • 1. When do you consider an event to be serious?
  • 2. Name the regulatory bodies in USA, UK, Japan and India?
  • 3. When do you consider a case to be medically confirmed?
  • 4. What do you mean by causality?
  • 5. Name some data elements in ICSR?
  • 6. What should a narrative consist of?
  • 7. Explain the hierarchy in MedDRA.
  • 8. What to report in PV?
  • 9. What is WHO ART, WHO DD and MedDRA and the difference between them?
  • 10. Seriousness criteria based on intensity?
  • 11. Synonyms for relatedness (causality-related)?
  • 12. Synonyms for relatedness (causality- unrelated)?
  • 13. What is de-challenge?
  • 14. What is Re-challenge?
  • 15. What are Co-morbid conditions?
  • 16. What is a signal?
  • 17. Outcome of the event
  • 19. Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC)
  • 20. What is SUSAR:
  • 21. What is Day zero?
  • 22. Odd scenarios in PV?
  • 23.what is Adverse drug reaction.
  • 24. What is Adverse Event.
  • 25.What is Mera?
  • 26. What is suspected drug?
  • 27. What is Concomitant?

accenture pharmacovigilance interview questions

  • What is solicited drugs?
  • What is ICH guidelines?
  • What is the Heirarchy of Medra?
  • What is Pharmacovigilance?
  • What will you do if you experience an adverse effect of medicine?
  • If you are health professional, how will you report an adverse drug reaction?
  • What are the minimum criteria required for valid case?
  • What do you mean by causality?
  • What are the drug regulatory bodies in: USA, UK, Japan and India.
  • Important Abbreviations : SUSAR, SAE, CIOMS, ADE, ADRS, IBD
  • What are the categories of ICH.
  • What is E2A?
  • What is E2D?
  • What is E2F?
  • Difference between ADR and AE.
  • What is EMA guidelines.
  • What is Triage?
  • What is Expectedness?
cognizant pharmacovigilance interview questions

Below are the cognizant pharmacovigilance interview questions

  • Do you know about Pharmacovigilance?
  • What are regulatory authorities and their role in Pharmacovigilance?
  • What are the key organization’s in Pharmacovigilance?
  • What is role of pharmacovigilance?
  • What is the minimum criteria of valid case?
  • What is seriousness criteria?
  • Explain thalidomide tragedy?
  • General definations of : Drug side effects, pharmacology, pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic,absorption, bioavailability, clinical trials.
  • what is blue card?
  • what is yellow card?
  • what is Triage?
  • what is E2E?
  • what are the regulatory authorities of India?

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pharmacovigilance interview questions pdf download

Pdf for pharmacovigilance interview questions is available here, follow the link

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