Shark Liver Oil as Vitamins | What is shark liver oil

Shark Liver Oil as Vitamins | What is shark liver oil welcome to our website here we are going to discuss pharmacognosy of shark liver oil, so friends before starting our topic. We are discussing about synonyms, biological source, Geographical distribution, method of preparation, description, Solubility, chemical constituents, uses etc.

Shark liver oil

shark liver oil

What is shark liver oil?

Cod liver oil, Halibut liver oil are the sources of vitamin A and D, shark liver oil and carrots, in the form of carotene are richest source of vitamin A, while Amla contains vitamin C and yeast contain vitamin B complex.

Vitamins are the substances which are considered to be essential for the maintenance of normal metabolic functions but are not synthesized by human body on its own and hence to be supplied from outside sources.

The eexcessive use of many vitamins mainly vitamin D causes toxic effects.

Shark liver oil synonyms

Synonyms for the oil is Oleum selachoids. Which is rich in vitamin.

The vvitamins are normally not associated with energy formation. They have an important role in several energy transformation reaction in the body.

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Shark liver oil biological source

Shark lliver oil is the fixed oil obtained from fresh and carefully preserved livers of various species of the shark mainly Hypoprion brevirostris. In India, scoliodon, carcharias and Sphyrna are abundant among the species and utilised for the extraction purpose. According to I. P one gram of oil should not contain less than 6000 international units of vitamin A activity.

Geographical distribution

In india the sharks are processed and oil is obtained on commercial scale in Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and kerala. Most of the European countries are also producing shark liver oil on large scale.

Method of preparation

  • With aa little variation the principle involved in extraction of the oil from the livers is uniform in almost all cases.
  • Government factories in Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra process livers for extracting the oil.
  • The llivers are cleaned and minced.The minced mass is taken to a boiling pot where the temperature of 80° C is maintained.
  • The oil extracted is treated with dehydrating agent to remove traces of water.
  • The oil is then taken to a vacuum still for dehydration and chilled to separate stearin.
  • centrifuges are used to separate the suspended materials in oil. The clear oil is manipulated to adjust the desired strength.
  • The ooil being sensitive to light and air, all the while care is taken to minimise its exposure to sunlight and air.
  • The llivers are stored at very low temperature, until they are taken for processing.


  • Color : Pale yellow to brownish yellow
  • Odour : Characteristic fishy, but not rancid
  • Taste : Bland or fishy
  • Solubility : soluble in Solvent like ether, chloroform and light petroleum. It is insoluble in water and slightly in Ethyl alcohol.

Chemical constituents of shark liver oil

  • Shark lliver oil contains Vitamin A.
  • The cconcentration of Vitamin A in the oil varies from 15000 to 30000 international units of vitamin A activity per gram.
  • other constituents of the oil are the glycerides of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.

Identification Tests

  • dissolve one gram of shark liver oil in 1ml of chloroform and treat with 0.5ml of sulphuric acid. It acquires light violet colour, changing to purple and finally to brown (due to vitamin A).
  • dissolve 1.0 ml of shark liver oil in 10ml of chloroform. Shake it well. A blue color is developed (due to the vitamin A).

Shark liver oil uses

It is used in the deficiency of vitamin A. It is also known as antixeropthalmic factor (dryness of eye). This oil is free from vitamin D and is required to be fortified when necessary. Due to the absence of vitamin D, shark liver oil is not a vitamin substitute for cod liver oil. It is also nutritive. Pharmaceutically it is used as in the preparation of dilute shark liver oil, shark liver oil emulsion and shark liver oil with vitamin D. It is used in burn and sunburn ointments.


Shark lliver oil is preserved in well filled and well closed container protected from light and in cool place.

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